I sell my cowhorn according to their length. The shortest are cheapest, but most difficult to play. The long ones are more expensive, but more easy to play.
cowhorn "very small" 300 SEK DON'T MAKE ANY HORNS MORE!
cowhorn up to 25 cm 400 SEK
cowhorn from 25 to 35 cm 600 SEK
cowhorn from 35 to 50 cm 800 SEK
cowhorn over 50 cm 1000 SEK
Goathorn are harder to get and consequently more expensive prices. Phone or mail me!
The cowhorn is one of the oldest instruments in the history of music. Maybe because the raw material was so easily accessible. The cowhorn has a very strong sound which can be heard from far far away. You could say it was the cell phone of the past.
Horn (=nails) is a natural material which stays intact for a very long time. Some horns have been found which have been dated to the 10th century, using pollen analysis. They still look exactly like today's horns.